healing: Mind, Body, Spirit
Healing that includes mind, body, and spirit begins with an understanding and acceptance of more than one point of view. Technology now enables us to look from the viewpoint of outer space and grasp the world as a whole. We can see its vast ecosystem: atmosphere, oceans and land masses that we know contain plants, immeasurable creatures, microscopic life, and of course, humanity and all humanity's structures, technology and institutions. We can, if only briefly, hold the viewpoint of this teeming planet as one interconnected, interdependent world. Embedded in daily life, our vision and viewpoint is vastly restricted. We have our personal, immediate circumstances that demand effort and attention. Any larger view is shaped by pieces of information and knowledge we have been given from the experiences and opinions of others, whose efforts and attention lie elsewhere. We necessarily then have another, much more limited, fragmented perspective of the world.
Understanding healing as an aspect of our spiritual path is very much like this. We briefly grasp the whole, but more often are preoccupied with our fragmented perspective. We may understand as an individual we encompass physicality, emotionalism, mental processes and awareness states (that we can't necessarily name) that reach beyond the boundaries of our sense of self. Most of the time though, we define ourselves as the body, or in our heads as our thoughts, or in relationship as various feeling states. If we are ill, injured, or impaired, we focus on the parts that are hurting and out of order and fail to consider the whole of who we are as equipped to heal. Sometimes we need this focus on the partial, including specialized knowledge and skill that science offers. But the point of view of the whole, including a whole that goes beyond just mind and body, opens us to innate healing. A living being has tremendous capacity to self-protect, re-new, and self-repair. We learn, adapt, and transform, as a whole. On these pages, we offer you a variety of ideas to spark a new realization of your spiritual path as a path of healing.
"An Atmosphere of Healing" by Dr. Susan Nettleton
"Taking Time" by Dr. Susan Nettleton
"Un-learning" by Dr. Susan Nettleton
"What's Working" by Dr. Susan Nettleton
"Stop and Start" by Dr. Susan Nettleton
"Inner Direction" by Dr. Susan Nettleton
"Hope is a Decision" by Dr. Susan Nettleton
"I Can't" by Dr. Susan Nettleton
"Forgiveness in New Thought Spirituality" by Dr. Larry Morris
"Eastern and Western Healing" by Dr. Larry Morris
"New Thought Healing and World Religions" by Dr. Larry Morris
“A New Vision” by Dr. Susan Nettleton
“Simplifying Self” by Dr. Susan Nettleton
“Self-Acceptance and Change” by Dr. Susan Nettleton
“Inner Light” by Dr. Larry Morris
“Holiday Stress” by Dr. Susan Nettleton
“Heart and Head” by Dr. Larry Morris
“Getting the Right Angle” by Dr. Larry Morris
“Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn’t you - all of the expectations, all of the beliefs - and becoming who you are.”
war and catastrophe trauma
Despite all our modern discoveries and knowledge, war with its devastation and destruction remains. The trauma of war and other forms of violent conflict, as well as natural and man-made catastrophic disasters, not only impacts individuals but also entire generations, cities, cultures and societies. The need for healing is great; the spiritual perspective, often elusive. Life in its essence remains the same with its qualities of transcendence, creativity and the power to recover and move forward. Here we hope to offer spiritual approaches to health and wholeness that include times of war and disaster. We begin with Jack Lyon.
Jack Lyon is a former Marine Infantry Officer serving two tours in Vietnam and a recipient of the Purple Heart and the Silver Star. He is the founder of Veterans Village of San Diego and has led Combat Stress groups for over 30 years. Lyon gave the following speech to the VA on the 50th Commemoration of the Vietnam War. It is a call to Vietnam War Veterans to mentor returning combat veterans as a way of healing for all. (19 minutes)