Anthony Trollope, the great Victorian novelist, once received a rejection of a manuscript he had submitted for publication. On the train on his return trip home, Trollope is said to have turned the rejected manuscript over and begun to write a brand new novel on the back pages— a novel which became one of his great successes. How often, when we are faced with rejection or frustration, do we throw our hands up in the air in despair and say, "I give up— it's not working." We can quit too soon— before the breakthrough— or we can be like Anthony Trollope and disregard apparent failure, brush aside rejection and go full force into our new creative project. Don't quit on yourself, and don't give up in the face of opposition; stay focused on creating something great in this life. Any time we feel stuck or let-down, we can choose to begin again; the closed doors begin to open, and we quickly connect with our fulfillment. Stay centered in your dream until it comes true.