April 23, 2023

Today follows Earth Week 2023, culminating in yesterday's Earth Day events around the world. The first Earth Day, originating in 1970, was focused on America and the need for environmental protection, but quickly expanded to a global level. Since that time, the effects of climate change has become more and more apparent, and solutions more and more politically charged.

In 1970, world population was cited as 3,695,390,336. Thus far in 2023, it is cited at 8,045,311,447. But the actual rate of growth has slowed; it was 2.06% in1970 and last year, with years of steady decline it was 0.83%. Is world population growing? Yes. Is population growth slowing? Yes. What does it mean? Is that a positive development, or a concerning shift? I have encountered debates and predictions on both viewpoints. This is one example of the problem of interpreting our data. Unfortunately, data can be overgeneralized and misused to sway reasoning and create division. Climate and environmental change is a vastly complex field. It requires both specialists in narrow fields and generalists who can synthesize. It requires cooperation, trust, and shared goals.

Currently we are hearing debates between those who see individual and collective behavior as the solution, through re-use, recycling, and decreased consumption (of fossil fuels as well as general consumerism), and those who dismiss that, to see only new technology as the world's answer. This kind of binary, all or nothing thinking only further fragments and divides, rather than considering synthesis. It neglects the value and power of consciousness, and especially collective consciousness, that can be both inclusive and diverse and profoundly intelligent.

What is your highest and best affirmation of this home called Earth? Beyond loyalty to specific places, groups, religious teachings--your longings and fears, gains and losses--how do you perceive and feel this ground. Now that the celebrations, speeches, performances and programs are done (whether your participated or not), what does your heart/mind, inner awareness, say about Earth? That is your consciousness. That is your contribution to us all. (Susan Nettleton)

For Larry Morris' poetic consciousness, from his volume, ON THIS SWEET EARTH:
