February 17, 2021

This week has brought welcomed news of some slowing of the Pandemic cases. Even though the trend remains fragile, let it lift you. It is not time to change any of our Covid-19 prevention practices, but it is time to be thankful. Instead of letting fear and hopelessness spiral, we can affirm gratitude that can spiral and touch many areas of our lives. This opening or space of lightening-the-load may also mean that you begin considering where you would like your life to lead when restrictions lift. Maybe there is something new stirring in you. We cannot get ahead of the process or our pushing forward too quickly will push us right back. There are still many, many who need to be vaccinated. There are still unanswered questions regarding the new variants and how the vaccine responds to them. And it is also a time to offer prayer support for those who are struggling in the winter storms and power failures across America. Yet, prayer, gratitude and cautious optimism generates new life and new possibilities.

To further your sense of new possibilities beyond the restraints and devastation of the Pandemic and our changing climate, consider tuning in or looking at the news about the Mars Rover project this Thursday. The NASA rover aptly named "Perseverance" will land live in the Jezero Crater this Thursday afternoon, looking for microbes and evidence of how habitable Mars was in the ancient past. It will begin the work of collecting samples for a return mission to Earth several years from now. The Perseverance Rover will also conduct a test flight of a helicopter/drone for the first time on Mars that could eventually be used for scouting and exploration in future Mars missions. I've included a link below where you can find more information on space.com. Let yourself be inspired by human perseverance and Life's' endless possibilities. (Susan Nettleton)

Follow the link to learn more: https://www.nasa.gov/perseverance

February 14, 2021

"In the midst of winter I at last discovered that there was in me an invincible summer.” Albert Camus, Retour à Tipasa

For today's Sunday post, I turn to the above quote from 20th century, French Existential philosopher and writer Albert Camus. (1913-1960). Today is St. Valentine's Day, now practiced globally as a celebration of love. Originally, February 14 was set as a Feast Day in AD 496 to commemorate one of the early Christian martyrs, Saint Valentine of Rome. Over a thousand years later, the day had a celebration of romantic love. Today, depending on the culture, it has expanded to include the spectrum of love. In the Northern Hemisphere, Valentine's Day is a winter holiday that bridges the time between New Year's and holiday celebrations of Spring. It gives us a chance to consider the heart of life, including the bond of love that brings us back to a focus on relationships that are essential to human survival, perhaps more essential in the dead of winter. There are of course many types of love, not always easy to define. But it is an emotion that connects and unifies. Love brings a sense of invincible summer, a sense of life at its fullest. The beauty, richness and awe of life can be found in all seasons but in summer, it is no longer hidden. Life thrives.

As extreme weather and life threatening winter storms sweep across the country this week, most of us will withdraw inside and wait it out There are those who cannot because we need them to take watch and take care, as we have needed others throughout the Pandemic "storm", a metaphoric winter experience when life often seems to be frozen. Yet it isn't. Life is moving forward.

Camus's discovery arose with a transcendent experience, when he returned to his homeland Algiers, seeking something...some renewal perhaps or inner resolution after the moral devastation of WWII. On his trip he found it. "And under the glorious December light..., I found exactly what I had come seeking, what, despite the era and the world, was offered me, truly to me alone, in that forsaken nature."

Wherever you may be this February, there lays within you an invincible summer. Perhaps today is the day you too can discover it. (Susan Nettleton)

February 12, 2021

After watching parts of the impeachment trial the last few days, I am reflecting on collective trauma. The graphic video footage of the attack on the capitol and the open acknowledgement of emotion--fear, even terror--from Senators and Congressional Representatives, paint a vivid reality of danger and the emotional trauma that follows. Reactions to traumatic events include fear, grief and depression as well as physical symptoms such as dizziness, changes in appetite and sleep patterns, and withdrawal from daily activities. These often continue for weeks following trauma before emotions return to normal. We use the term post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) when symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety, and uncontrollable thoughts about what happened continue to be triggered, after experiencing or witnessing trauma. These reactions do not just occur to those who were actually in a life threatening situation. We, as spectators can also be traumatized by the images we see, and the news we hear.

Continued exposure to stories of tragedy and violence, as well as direct exposure to the trauma of others, can overwhelm the nervous system. We have seen this emerging from the medical and staff workers in hospitals during 2020. A remarkable research project in Britain 5 years ago documented that such stress responses are not just caused by direct traumatic experience, but also happen through social media. Written and visual images of violence and trauma produce anxiety and repetitive replay of the material, that trigger stress responses and cause secondary trauma. These symptoms of interrupted sleep, hopelessness, feeling ineffective, eventually lead to compassion fatigue-- caring people can no longer care--until time, rest, self care and support reset our nervous systems.

All of this is an aspect of Pandemic fatigue, and it continues underneath, compounded by the violence and political conflict. Yet, moving through the structure of law and procedure as the trial is aired and viewed by the American public, also has a healing element. It reaffirms a social order to life that includes public observation as a form of participation. The phenomenally courageous officials who openly shared their emotional reactions, serve as role models for us all in the collective process of healing, not just in terms of the capitol attack, but the Pandemic as well. As individuals, one of the ways we re-set and are able, over time to integrate events, is through the spiritual process of meditation and prayer. This integration is re-enforced as we are able to actively share our traumatic experiences with others who are understanding and caring. Collectively, we heal by public events and programs that acknowledge the emotional impact of pain, fear, anger and grief, while reinforcing the qualities of resilience. While the impeachment trial can be seen on different levels with differing agendas, it is also an active acknowledgement of collective trauma. If it has further overwhelmed you, step back from the news. If you have a sense that you can begin to integrate these events now, because of the facts and honest expression of fear and pain, whatever the final verdict, focus on our collective resiliency. (Susan Nettleton)

February 7, 2021

Today is Super Bowl Sunday, a uniquely American tradition that offers the opportunity to vent what I am calling pent-up Pandemic energy through the athletic battleground. Whether you are a sports fan or not, it's a good day to find your way to recreation and healthy release. While many Americans continue to adjust to the demands of the Pandemic, we are warned there will be a price for any super spreader events, especially at a time when the case rates are starting to slow. Stay home, stay digitally connected, shout, laugh, cheer--or head outside for exercise, fresh air, and nature as your companion. There's still time for quiet gratitude, prayer and stillness. (Susan Nettleton)

Here's a link to an excerpt from Maya Angelou's poem, On the Pulse of the Morning. It bring a message that rather than repeating pasts mistakes, together we can move forward with hope.


February 5, 2021

"We must walk consciously only part way toward our goal, and then leap in the dark to our success." Henry David Thoreau

Along with the quote above, I offer you a quote below which at first reading seems complex, in the way astrophysics is complex. They are quotes I read last Sunday, as a part of the talk, "Walking the Edge of New". I decided to post them as one way to lift our vision to a larger frame beyond the Pandemic, just as a meditation exercise. Because of the many stops and starts that have happened with the world's attempt to overcome the Pandemic, it can be difficult at this point to gather up the stamina and enthusiasm to stay focused and optimistic about the necessity of continuing masks (and even double masks here in California) along with social distancing as we again face changes in health advisories and do what is needed to insure vaccinations. Stretching our awareness beyond the focus of our immediate situation paradoxically gives our minds a much needed break from the continued rehearsal of our situation and offers new perspective on the amazing scale of creation. This particular quote below is a reminder that the unknown has always been and continues to be an unconquerable aspect of life. Still, we do discover, uncover, and adapt to our acquired knowledge. The search furthers the creativity of life.

"The Universe has many edges: the edge of transparency, the edge of stars and galaxies, the edge of neutral atoms, and the edge of our cosmic horizon from the Big Bang itself. We can look as far away as our telescopes can take us, but there will always be a fundamental limit. Even if space itself is infinite, the amount of time that’s passed since the hot Big Bang is not. No matter how long we wait, there will always be an “edge” that we’ll never be able to see past."


February 1, 2021

My talk yesterday concluded with a line from this poem by Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941). It is a reminder that the spirit of joy underlines the human experience of creativity and discovery. Human joy mirrors what we can only express as Joy in the Divine Creative process that brings forth all levels and expressions of life. We have the capacity to touch that point of Joy by reaching for it, but also being open when it finds us, even in times of great difficulty.

And Joy is Everywhere

It is in the Earth's green covering of grass;

In the blue serenity of the Sky;

In the reckless exuberance of Spring;

In the severe abstinence of gray Winter;

In the Living flesh that animates our bodily frame;

In the perfect poise of the Human figure, noble and upright;

In Living;

In the exercise of all our powers;

In the acquisition of Knowledge;

In fighting evils ...

Joy is there Everywhere. ”

~ Rabindranath Tagore (2016). “SĀDHANĀ - The Realization of life”, p.64.

January 29, 2021

This is your reminder email of our Zoom Service this Sunday!

Topic: Walking the Edge of New with Dr. Susan Nettleton

Time: Jan 31, 2021 11:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

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(For helpful instructions on using Zoom from our Hillside Source website click here: hillsidesource.com/zoom

January 24, 2021

For this Sunday's post, I am offering further ideas on cultivating peace in this midst of all the stresses of the Pandemic and the urgency of overcoming divisions as we live this new year. This morning I remembered the work of the 20th century American spiritual teacher who came to be known as Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981). Even though her first public walk for peace began just a few miles from where I am right now, in Pasadena, California (1953), ironically, I first learned of her spiritual depth while I was staying in Bangalore, India in 2004. She continued to walk across America as a teacher and advocate for peace until her death. Here are some quotes to contemplate now in 2021. (Susan Nettleton)

"We can work on inner peace and world peace at the same time. On one hand, people have found inner peace by losing themselves in a cause larger than themselves, like the cause of world peace, because finding inner peace means coming from the self-centered life into the life centered in the good of the whole. On the other hand, one of the ways of working for world peace is to work for more inner peace, because world peace will never be stable until enough of us find inner peace to stabilize it."

"I am constantly thankful. The world is so beautiful, I am thankful. I have endless energy, I am thankful. I am plugged into the source of Universal Supply, I am thankful. I am plugged into the source of Universal Truth, I am thankful. I have this constant feeling of thankfulness, which is a prayer."

"I deal with spiritual truth which should never be sold and need never be bought. When you are ready it will be given."

January 21, 2021

Now that America has moved through a peaceful but heavily guarded inauguration of our 46th President Joe Biden, we can breathe a sigh of relief that there was no violence and begin to adjust ourselves to the year ahead. We are asked to begin "afresh" with a focus on choosing unity over division. Part of this new beginning includes committing to wearing masks for another 100 days as well as following through with the vaccination program, seeking any medical information we may need as individuals and learning how the program works in our communities. Realistically, no one is ready to quite let down our guard just yet after the capitol attack, so we will remain watchful as a nation.

I am encouraging you today and tomorrow to consider the process of beginning afresh, spiritually. The passing year has been extraordinarily difficult, not just for us personally, but collectively. Beginning "afresh" inevitably means letting go, in different ways for each of us. Although there is a collective tension and watchfulness we must retain right now, with the Pandemic as well as political threats--we don't have to hold on to all of the difficulty, pain, fear, confusion, and resentment of this last year.

Charles Fillmore, the co-founder of Unity, wrote in his book Christian Healing, "God is in the universe as its constant 'breath' or inspiration; hence it is only necessary to find the point of contact in order to understand the One in whom we all 'live, and move, and have our being'... The point of contact is a willingness and a seeking on your part."

If we are seeking a fresh beginning on a spiritual level, one simple technique is to turn to our breath as a natural symbol of "out with the old, in with the new", trusting that we receive what we need and release what is no long needed. Along with the amazing intelligence of our physiology automatically regulating the breath, we can remember God as the breath of life. Breathing naturally, not controlling it, in this way becomes a form of affirmative prayer. We can inhale new life, new resolve, new inspiration, new peace and exhale our fatigue, our frustration, our fears, even our sadness and loss. Take a deep breath and allow a collective sigh of relief. Then allow yourself healing and renewal as you take in and let go. (Susan Nettleton)

January 18, 2021

In honor of Martin Luther King Day, I am posting two simple yet powerful quotes from him. They are words worth our reflection as we enter this week. (Susan Nettleton)

"I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear."

"Forgiveness is not an occasional act; it is a constant attitude."

January 17, 2021

Throughout this week of news feed after news feed on the assault on the U.S. Capitol and the upcoming inauguration, my mind has been replaying a spiritual--a hymn that bubbles up reminding me that this is the time for affirmation of peace, rather than fear and anger.

1 I’ve got peace like a river, I’ve got peace like a river, I’ve got peace like a river, in my soul. (repeat)

2 I’ve got love like an ocean, I’ve got love like an ocean, I’ve got love like an ocean, in my soul. (repeat)

3 I’ve got joy like a fountain, I’ve got joy like a fountain, I’ve got joy like a fountain, in my soul. (repeat)

In that spirit I offer a link below from the writings of Shr Chinmoy (1931-2007), a spiritual teacher from India who moved to America in 1964 and eventually established a global following. The link below offers 33 short poems on Peace, giving you a wide selection to contemplate and affirm as we move through this upcoming historic week. (Peace, Susan Nettleton)


January 16, 2021

Hillside Sunday Zoom Service January 31, 2021

Susan Nettleton is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: "Walking the Edge of New" by Dr. Susan Nettleton

Time: Jan 31, 2021 11:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

10:00 AM Pacific Time

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Meeting ID: 845 8509 6701

Passcode: Hillside

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+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)

Meeting ID: 845 8509 6701

Passcode: 48823433

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbyh1itG1D

(For helpful instructions on using Zoom from our Hillside Source website click here: hillsidesource.com/zoom

January 13, 2021

It is now a week since the assault on the Capitol and we have been inundated with further disturbing news. Tension in Washington D.C. grows as arrests are made , new information is revealed and time moves toward the inauguration. The violence and threats of more continue, as does the surging Pandemic and the death toll. Distribution of the Covid-19 vaccine has begun and with it both a promise and a warning; things will eventually improve, but it will take time. We can expect the vaccination process to shift, the way most collective messages have shifted, as our experience and understanding continues to expand.

If you have not already returned to regular spiritual practice, now is the time to begin again. It is the time to recommit to your Way. Don't let the fatigue of the accumulated stressors undermine your spiritual faith and values and your faith in your own capacity for resilience and healing. I can only repeat the significance of maintaining your inner life and light. When it seems too much, pull back, disengage from the news, take care of yourself. Nurture yourself on more than one level. Then begin again. This is the time to draw on the inner strength that we have been building over all these months, despite our resistance and resentments, despite our frustration and anger, despite our anxiety--even times of panic, we have come this far and in all likelihood, this winter marks the turning point. You are stronger in ways you could not have imagined a year ago. Surprisingly, so are most of the people you know. When we relate from the strength of faith and experience, together, we are even stronger. (Susan Nettleton)

“There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do, and mostly live.” Dalai Lama

January 10, 2021

For today's Sunday post, I am encouraging you to continue my message from Friday's evening post: rest and renew and don't jump ahead of this collective process of change and healing. Tomorrow the country, with the world watching, begins a new week in this new year. Today we gain perspective by letting go to life around us right now and taking the time to be grateful for moments of light and love. In his December blog post on The Hillside Source website, Jack Correu shows us one of the many ways to do that. (Susan Nettleton)

Click here: https://hillsidesource.com/.../sweet-memories-at-the...

January 8, 2021

This afternoon, I am taking my computer outside to write where I can look up at the San Gabriel mountain range that rises a block or two away from the backyard. I need the fresh air and I think you probably do as well, wherever you are staying. In the background I hear a plane overhead (someone is still flying somewhere). I hear some hammering on a neighborhood house (someone is renovating nearby). I hear the trash pickup trucks in the distance (the city still has services). Faint human voices and more distinct bird conversations chirp directly overhead (communication continues). Life goes on and beauty, really, is everywhere.

The first week of 2021 has been explosive. The U.S. hit its highest daily death toll since the onset of the Pandemic. The Capitol building was breached by riots. Congress and the Senate weathered attack and despite their shock, picked up their work and continued, while the world waited and watched, until the work was done. After almost a year of stressful events in the unfolding and surging of the Pandemic, everyone is exhausted--even if we are not on the front lines of action, we are all on the front lines of witnessing, of carrying our lives forward, of adapting, surviving and hopefully, supporting something both good and stable. So if you find yourself immobile right now or slow and sluggish, or anxious and unfocused, you have every reason to be that way. Stop, or at least slow down, and let yourself catch up.

This is not about acquiring more information. This post is about rest and recreation in order to shore up our resiliency. You have your spiritual practices, they will keep. Right now, rest, release, wander among the things you most enjoy. Your spiritual practice will pull you back and give the balance. You are included in the whole of life and the whole is within you. Take a fresh breath; then we all begin again. (Susan Nettleton)

January 3, 2021

This morning my grandson walked into my kitchen to show me a drawing he had just scribbled with great flair, wielded from a new pencil. The pencil was freshly sharpened in the electric pencil sharpener I gave him for Christmas. He loves electronics and he really wanted that sharpener! Now put to good use, he asked me what I thought the drawing looked like. I saw a bit of a bird-like head and a tail-like triangle pointing upward, the two shapes linked by an oval full of scribbles. I said, "Look, it's a swan on the water, and these lines are like feathers and splashing water. Draw an eye here and you will see it." He put in the eye and I added three circular lines for moving water. Then he saw it! He ran upstairs, full of pride, to show his dad, shouting, "I drew a swan!"

His joy inspired me to post this link to the poem "Swan" by Mary Oliver. The questions she asks you are perfect for this New Year's first Sunday--did you see it? (Susan Nettleton)


(scroll all the way down to the text)

December 31, 2020

Even as we look forward to a New Year, the Pandemic rages. The situation here, in L.A. County hospitals, has reached a incomprehensible crisis. Today there are exhausted emergency workers, medical staff, custodial and cleaning staff, public health staff and government officials, along with patients and families who continue to stay the course, to make decisions and use their judgement and experience to save lives and regain the ground of healthcare. I encourage you to offer them and others around the country your spiritual support as prayer, affirmation, and light.

Today is New Year's Eve. It's been a very long and exceptionally difficult year. But exceptional times push us to new understanding and discoveries and at the same time can clarify our values and bring into focus our priorities and goal. These are also times when we can feel deep gratitude for the good that is in are lives right now, even while in upheaval. I hope you have found that has happened to you. Depending on your experience, it may possibly take years to personally process this year of the Covid-19 Pandemic; we expect for all of us that our perspective, the impact and the meaning will shift over time as our lives and our world unfolds. But before any celebration of the new, we traditionally let go of the old. There are many reviews of the collective events of 2020 in the news and in various formats online and as part of the collective, they may help you reflect and release the ways in which you have been connected to this collective experience. Most of us over the next few days will review and reflect with those closest to us our shared experiences.

But your personal experience as an individual defines specifically you. I urge you to also take time today to turn within, in silence and stillness to gently review your year of the Pandemic. The time is ripe for release and forgiveness. You won't release and forgive everything today, but you will begin and you will feel the healing that lies underneath and the stirrings of new life. By midnight, wherever you are, it will no longer be 2020.

Happy New Year! (Susan Nettleton).

For thoughts on How to Let Go, follow the link to an article by Larry Morris.


December 27, 2020

Before we rush from the Christmas holiday to New Year's Celebrations, before we begin any process of review of this year, let's take the time to enjoy the wonder of this day. This poem, an excerpt from "The Prelude"* by Wordsworth, is a reminder of the magnificence of nature all around us and including us, each day. Embedded in his perception is the idea of "a dedicated Spirit". That phrase holds deep meaning that is to be defined by your own heart. (Susan Nettleton)


The morning rose, in memorable pomp,

Glorious as e'er I had beheld--in front,

The sea lay laughing at a distance; near,

The solid mountains shone, bright as the clouds,

Grain-tinctured, drenched in empyrean light;

And in the meadows and the lower grounds

Was all the sweetness of a common dawn--

Dews, vapours, and the melody of birds,

And labourers going forth to till the fields.

Ah! need I say, dear Friend! that to the brim

My heart was full; I made no vows, but vows

Were then made for me; bond unknown to me

Was given, that I should be, else sinning greatly,

A dedicated Spirit. On I walked

In thankful blessedness, which yet survives.

* further excerpts can be found online on several sites, including PoemHunter

December 24, 2020

For a Christmas Eve post, I am offering you a link to a poem by Larry Morris, written for one of our Christmas Eve poetry services held many years ago. To me it echos these times when we have had to hold to faith through the darker moments of 2020, and yet it is this very solitude that allows the moment of recognition of spiritual truth--yielding, surrender, then Illumination and Rebirth. Our moment is specific and unique to us as individuals and yet, through it, we know our relationship to all things, all Life. Merry Christmas, Susan Nettleton

Follow the link: https://hillsidesource.com/sunrise-birth