To contemplate and attend to our physical body as a spiritual practice also means waking up to a new sense of being alive. The Pandemic, understandably, has brought our collective and individual attention to a focus on illness and death, To move beyond this, much is required of us.
With all the changes and choices we are facing, let's not forget a vibrant awareness of our own aliveness. Perhaps the greatest attitude we can hold, is a renewed spirit of aliveness, that includes delight and enthusiasm. It may seem like an impossible task for now, but attending to our physical well-being is a beginning step. Aliveness is more than just the physical though, it is an energy that quickens our positive participation in life. This is not about rehearsing our fear of loss, but the affirmation of life and it's joy and beauty, the savoring of life's sweetness--even on lockdown.
Along with the questions to ask while listening to your body that I posted yesterday, consider this question by theologian, author and activist Rev. Howard Thurmond. (1899-1981)
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”― Howard Thurmond