June 29, 2020

One further thought today on the practice of gratitude.  When we have discovered a well of gratitude within us, as a natural response to this Life of awe and wonder, we have found a source of assurance.  Life is Good, All is Well.  This is not the same as trying to reassure yourself, and not the same as trying to fix life, through prayer or through personal effort so that everything is ok.  There is a time and place for self-reassurance as well as for personal participation in good works,  but this is another level.  It may be only a fleeting moment, an assurance that arises from gratitude and an appreciation of the Vast, Mystery of Life.  It is certainly a motivation to continue a practice of gratitude.

I think it is one of the channels of visionary experiences expressed in the arts.   Perhaps it is the root of hope-- and our capacity to image a better future.  But the seed is gratitude for the beauty inherent in today.

Here is such a vision from 20th century English poet, A.S.J. Tessimond (1902-1962).  It's oddly fitting for an idealistic daydream in the Pandemic world.   It holds images that have potential for you, as an individual, to envision for yourself.  Follow the link:
