Today, Life is calling you to Peace. Every day calls you to Peace, but a day of news of increasing violence is a day calling for increasing Peace. It may not seem like the inner peace of individuals outside a storm of aggressive frenzy bears any relationship to resolving so many complex mixtures of conflicts, anger and hate, but spiritually Life is a whole. Your personal resiliency and health calls for Peace as well. Your spiritual life responds to prayers for Peace, for yourself, your personal field of relationships, your community, country, and world. Peace be with you. (Susan Nettleton)
"Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings Peace." Buddha
"Blessed are the Peace-makers, for they shall be called the children of God." Jesus
For more thoughts and a meditation on Peace from and Larry Morris, follow the links below:…/…/invitation-to-peace…/…/19/peace-discovery