May 27, 2020

Panic and fear of our future is not helpful.   Realistically,  the future is, by it's very nature, uncertain.   There have been times of social instability, and there have been stable times with little cultural change, giving the future the air of certainty.  Through cognitive therapy techniques, one learns to "fact check"  distorted thinking, including negative expectations for the future.  The fact is the future has always been uncertain.  When you find yourself conjuring up images of a bleak or disastrous future, stop.  Remind yourself, "you don't know what the future holds."  Given that you do not know, and no one else does either with absolute certainty, why assume the worst? 

This is a time to begin sorting through options, sifting through impressions, envisioning our individual movement forward. We can choose a re-affirmation of  positive expectations for ourselves. We can recover meaning--perhaps find new meaning--as we face the dance between individual change and collective change and even at an unseen level, cosmic change, all of which you are.  (Susan Nettleton)