June 9, 2020

Wellness is a cornerstone concept in preventative health. We know the current recommendations and mandates in our cities to prevent further spread of the Covid-19 virus, and those may change, as they have several times over the months of the Pandemic. This is not the time to be careless with the protection of ourselves and others as we begin to open outward. It is also a time to remember the spiritual dimension of healing and principles that are basic to wellness, health, and healing.

From hillsidesource.com

"...there is another way to approach spirituality, not as a “component of your wellness plan”, but as the very ground of health. Spirituality can be experienced as a recognition that life springs from a Unitive Source retaining its mystery, order, intelligence and creative power that surpass human knowledge and control. It is the source of “wellness” that encompasses all healing, even medical intervention. Wellness then includes the capacity of life, in all its perplexing forms, to repair, renew, and heal: Life takes care of life. To manage the complexity of society, to communicate, and for the sake of our partial piecemeal understanding of the vastness of existence, we divide the whole into the parts. ... (here, we can) explore spirituality as our capacity to heal, make-whole, and take care."  (Susan Nettleton)

“Men honor what lies within the sphere of their knowledge, but do not realize how dependent they are on what lies beyond it.”
— Chuang Tzu

Here is a place to begin:
