June 4, 2020

As the protest crowds begin to settle and the curfews past, many businesses and public places slowly begin the process of re-opening.  Underneath renewed activity though, there is a feeling of waiting, especially for those in public health are watching the Covid-19 data and for those who must structure and monitor re-opening regulations.   This weekend (and extending into Monday)  will mark the 14 days from Memorial Weekend, which is the standard CDC quarantine for those who have been exposed to Covid-19.  Memorial Weekend was the time period when social distancing regulations broke apart in many recreational areas across the country.  Some people self-isolated following that weekend, most did not.  It will take another week plus a few days following this weekend to mark the quarantine period for the massive protests that have been taking place, where large groups of people--some with masks and some without--walked shoulder to shoulder through the streets.  Approximately 97% of the people who get infected and develop symptoms do so within 11 to 12 days, and around 99%  within 14 days. But even those who have no symptoms 2 weeks later are potential carriers who can infect someone else.  Regulations will likely shift in areas if cases begin to suddenly climb.  There are several factors that could have mitigated risks:  activities that were in open air, maintaining hand washing,  a seasonal shift in weather and temperature, a low rate of infection in the population, factors that have yet to be discovered--we just don't know yet.  Hence the need to wait.  So if you are feeling uncertain about your own plans to move past lockdown, it maybe you are in waiting mode too.

You may be reflecting the uncertainty and watchfulness of the community planners.

It's not waiting for the perfect moment, it is waiting for the right moment.  A right moment doesn't mean a problem free path, nor one with a guaranteed outcome.   For community planners it means the right data.  For the individual, it means that you feel ready, that you are willing to wait (you are not stubbornly and forcefully pushing ahead), but the door is opening and it is seems time to at least take a few steps in the right direction.  In the Taoist Book of Changes (I Ching), the idea of "Waiting" is linked to Nourishment.  This is not a time of idleness, rather it is a time of preparation that includes fortifying yourself with food and good cheer.  Nourish yourself with the inspiring ideas of others, think, read.  Meditate.  Pray. Rest and replenish.  "Fate comes when it will, and thus you are ready."