The question of how to face economic upheaval from a spiritual perspective is not new, even though the Covid-19 Pandemic has brought uniquely complex hardships to the 21st century world. All religions address the relationship between the spiritual dimension, the material world, the world of work, and the necessary resources to sustain the life of the individual and the community. Underlying these principles is the idea of putting first things first: devotion and commitment to the Source of all things. This primary principle is supported by codes of ethics and morality as guides for navigating our relationships with others and handling life's resources.
Even though cultural climates may change from place to place and from religion to religion in a way that makes some practices seem strange to outsiders, there is the ring of concordance regarding "first things first "and standing on spiritual ground, right action, whatever the transaction. Yet, as humans in a maze of materialism, we can easily lose sight of our own values. We certainly live in a culture that easily forgets the solidity of these principles, often actively seeks to obscure them, and can openly disdain them. So the ground of economy and commerce shakes and sways with events.
Sometimes you have to return to solid ground alone, as an individual. You handle the fear and pressure, bit by bit, returning again and again to an affirmation of your resilience and competency, because Life is resilient and competent. There is no lack of resources for you, because you are infinitely Creative. You are intimately connected to all of life, in a magnificent economy of exchange, in a mysterious network of reciprocity, and one boundless Source of All. (Susan Nettleton)
“Suppose your whole world seems to rock on its foundations. Hold on steadily, let it rock, and when the rocking is over, the picture will have reassembled itself into something much nearer to your heart's desire.”
― Emmet Fox