Art is another portal to the Transcendent. The infinite creative force of Life gives rise to the creative impulse in all of us, but is most visibly expressed in the artist. Your own spiritual practice throughout the lockdown and the entire pandemic holds the potential for new creative movement within you. It is one way to begin to envision the direction you would like to take beyond this crisis as we again face uncertainty and change. Perhaps we can come to further comprehend our personal and collective experience of the Pandemic of 2020 through its emerging art. (Susan Nettleton)
From our website section on the "Creative Well", my further thoughts on art:
"The history of world art is replete with extraordinary, powerful depictions of myth, scripture, mystical encounters-- all pointing to humanity’s relationship to the Divine in sacred as well as irreverent language, tone and image.
Sometimes expression is dramatically bold and direct, perhaps even disturbing. More often art speaks through metaphor, symbols, subtle impressions, and even fragments, struggling to give voice to those aspects of life which as yet have no words but which we must discover and digest beyond definition. Painting, sculpture, literature, poetry, music, theater, dance, photography, and film--all hold the potential to reveal the unknown and unrealized aspects of life. And we, as witnesses and participants, are suddenly struck with improbable recognition: “Yes, this is the way it is.” Or the way it could be... Such work feeds our souls, our spirits, as it opens and expands our own vision, imagination and intuitive grasp of Truth. We are changed by art."
For a glimpse into the emerging art of the pandemic from Canada, follow the link: