Every day we are presented with new information on Covid 19 and it's impact. There is a massive world wide scientific effort at work that is rapidly discovering more and more facets of the virus. This scientific push brings with it an unparalleled attempt to explain each newly discovered aspect to the world's population, as knowledge is accumulated. Obviously, there are times when complex experimental data and discoveries (which are usually narrow in scope and have a specific focus) are misunderstood, distorted and misused. To truly understand the virus, all the pieces of scientific discovery have to be integrated throughout the whole course of the illness--which has yet to be completed. We are learning as the we go. The constantly changing situation along with contradictory "guidance" and predictions about the coming months (and sometimes longer) add to the general uncertainty and fear. Yet, we do need information and guidance. If we want to act and plan, we have to spend time and energy learning new terms and probing announcements enough to intelligently make our decisions. The "self-education" we gain in the process can be a positive experience if we don't get too overwhelmed or disheartened by it all. At the same time, we can direct our attention back to the spiritual level, feeding the Light and calming the mind, relying on the deeper guidance within. And we can pray.
I am reminded of a quote by Biologist E.O. Wilson. “Still, if history and science have taught us anything, it is that passion and desire are not the same as truth. The human mind evolved to believe in the gods. It did not evolve to believe in biology. Acceptance of the supernatural conveyed a great advantage throughout prehistory when the brain was evolving. Thus it is in sharp contrast to biology, which was developed as a product of the modern age and is not underwritten by genetic algorithms. The uncomfortable truth is that the two beliefs are not factually compatible. As a result those who hunger for both intellectual and religious truth will never acquire both in full measure.”
Edward O. Wilson, "Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge"
Perhaps he is correct, but perhaps the better path and humanity's potential lies in not acquiring both in full measure, but in becoming the hybrid of both. Perhaps this is the core of 21st century spirituality: defining something that is not the dualistic "full measure" of either, but is the blended expression of both. I agree with him that we are genetically hard wired for looking beyond our narrow sense of self to a larger transcendent whole. Humanity has for centuries found profound satisfaction, comfort, and power in prayer--prayer as the turning toward something beyond ourselves for understanding and healing. Like a sunflower that automatically turns toward the sun without thought or complex formulation, human hearts automatically seek the Source of life in prayer. Certainly, that is true now.
From our website, on further thought: https://hillsidesource.com/times-of-upheaval