This is day 7 of our process of looking at the Pandemic through the lens of prayer, beginning as individuals and moving through the layers of impact participation and impact. Today we turn our attention to the global aspect of the pandemic. While from the standpoint of our everyday tumultuous planet, this may feel futile, we can find that still point where we know life as a flow of consciousness; from a transcendent view, we are the world. So in stillness we pray for the whole, as we turn to our Source. In a world of 7.8 billion people, we can more easily grasp the world's struggle in this Pandemic, by first turning our prayer to world and national leaders, in all the fields activity that are impacted by the Pandemic and the interaction and exchange with one another across the globe. We don't have access to all the exchanges that have taken place, but we can choose to see through prayer the same guiding Light of Intelligence and Wisdom and Care that we have affirmed throughout our prayers.
We ask and accept new cooperation arising from almost a year now of experience with this Covid-19 Pandemic. We know that in the Oneness of Life there is infinite variation, and that is life's beauty and strength. Throughout this year, there have been many international exchanges, beyond the global commerce-- exchange of data, of equipment, of creative solutions and creative expression, of scientific and medical experience and understanding, of teams involved in discovering issues of antibodies, medications, immunization and so much more, and most certainly an exchange of prayers. We are grateful for the points of meeting and exchange. They offer new meaning to a new world and we let that bear fruit that moves life forward, moves healing forward. We ask and accept a deeper trust and truth of serving and supporting one another, across our planet. We ask and accept forgiveness of where we have all missed the mark. We affirm our capacity to learn and to adapt and to heal together. Thank you God for a new global resolve to heal. And so it is, Amen. (Susan Nettleton)