September 12, 2020

Thanks to all of you who left comments and continue prayers in this month of fires across the west. Here we continue in watching and waiting mode, including the air quality. As with the Pandemic, watching and reading the updates across the Western states (and our community!) can quickly overwhelm you. I am learning more about the science of fire-fighting and the strategies of containment, as we have all been learning more about medicine, immunity, vaccines and the principles of managing public spread. And, as in the pattern of the Pandemic, misinformation has already been seeded around the fires. Clarity and Truth are necessary for stable ground. So I am reaffirming for all of us, the basic spiritual foundation of balancing the news and outer activity with time in silence in meditation and prayer.

The recognition that we are interwoven with one another and with all of life, all of nature, puts our personal fear in perspective. The way is to bend and flow with Nature's ways and tend to what we can, as we can. When all these events become so complex, our inner direction is the wisest source of guidance. Take the time to sit and listen. (Susan Nettleton)

Here's a taste of silence to balance the intensity. From French philosopher and mystic Simone Weil (1909-1943):

"Our soul makes constant noise, but it has a silent place we never hear. When the silence of God enters us, pierces our soul and joins its silent secret place, then God is our treasure and our heart. And space opens before us like a fruit that breaks in two. Then we see the universe from a point beyond space."
~ Simone Weil Translated by Carol Cosman. From: Random Thoughts on the Love of God, Quoted in 'The Soul is Here for its Own Joy' Ed. Robert Bly