A friend of mine recently send me a quote by the great Indian Hindu sage, Ramana Maharshi (1879-1950). Ramana's words are their own form of meditation. If you find yourself unable to quieten and find that "still point", consider that not only all religions discharge themselves, but thoughts too will discharge themselves when you no longer wrestle with them.
"There is a state when
words cease and silence prevails.
Silence is the ocean
into which all the rivers
of all religions discharge themselves.
It is the speech of the Self.
That which is, is Silence."
Ramana Maharshi
One final quote to remind us that the times of silence carry their own purpose and potential, perhaps especially in this time of Pandemic. (Susan Nettleton)
"Silence does not mean negation of activity or stagnant inertness. It is not a mere negation of thoughts but something more positive than you can imagine." Ramana Maharshi