"The greatest illusion in the world is the illusion of separateness." Albert Einstein
While driving to do my errands once a week, I often see an old Mexican-American man walking along the road pushing a grocery cart--his back bent over; his legs curved with arthritis. Large knuckled hands grasp the handles to keep himself moving forward. I slow down and wave at him; he always waves back with a toothless smile. One morning, I stopped, rolled down my car window, and greeted him with, “Buenos Dias!”
He looked at me without saying a word... he didn't have to. His countenance was like reading a palm, telling his story of hard labor, long hours, and tremendous pride. There was a stoic demeanor that masked all the trials and tribulations of his life, although, I could feel a hidden softness, a salve of happy memories with a loving family that always healed his pain. As I watched him move on down the road, I learned another lesson from this encounter: empathy, compassion, inclusiveness, and diversity are sacred.
From the Little Shack: May the Grace of God rain upon us and wash away the sins of separateness.
"Unity in diversity is the essence of humanity. The more we recognize our shared humanity, the less we feel alone." – Unknown