The Little Shack Hears the End of Summer

The little shack has been in hibernation all summer, the hottest I have ever been through. The temperature here has reached 109 degrees at the highest--103, 104, 105 consistently--for the past three months!  Extreme drought has had most tree leaves brown or dead. The wildlife has suffered immensely. But NOW!, the first hint of fall with rain and cooler weather.                        

Before summer hit, I had received a cochlear implant. Throughout this extreme heat, I was adjusting to the new device. I can now hear the changes. I hear the rain, the birds, the wind; sounds I haven't heard in decades! 

Nature is whispering to us her Love. She is whispering: "Be with me now, smell my scent, drink my waters, and tell me you understand my cycles and Love me as your partner.” Her truth is intoxicating.

"Let these words fly through time
to someone coming
you know who you are...
This Love has nibbled on your ear,
whispering secrets
That doesn't make sense
to anyone else" - RUMI

From the Little Shack: Embrace it All!