Don't shop until you drop: relax, release, let go. Right now we may be pushing too hard, rushing too fast, trying to do too much. "Easy does it" is a good motto for December. There is always an underlying contour or pattern connected to how we are feeling about ourselves. We may feel rushed or pressured or frustrated. We may feel inadequate to the tasks at hand. Or we may just be feeling stuck and perhaps a little sorry for ourselves. Yet we can always choose deep inside of ourselves, where it counts, to feel a self-gentleness, a calm at the center of our being. Even though we have much to do over the holidays, we can choose to do it from the perspective of inner peace and self-nurturing. We can take time every day to remember ourselves: that we are happy and lucky to be here, doing what we are doing, regardless of how fast the days are rolling by, regardless of how much there is left to do. We can choose the way of peace and ease and let everything work together for our good.