Little shack is shining by Jack Correu

Many times when I meditate, I hear collective humanity screaming from painful existence. This is very real and frustrating to me and I am aware of an impatient longing for transformation.

Romans 8: 22 ...We know that the entire creation is groaning together, and going through labor pains together, up until the present time. 23 Not only so: we too, we who have the first fruits of the spirit’s life within us, are groaning within ourselves....26 ...the spirit comes alongside and helps us in our weakness. We don’t know what to pray for as we ought to; but that same spirit pleads on our behalf, with groanings too deep for words. 27 And the Searcher of Hearts knows what the spirit is thinking, because the spirit pleads for God’s people according to God’s will.
— Romans 8: 22-23 (NIV)

  Then sometimes I see a bright Sun and hear a hum that sounds like a motor running.

As the sound gets louder, a hole appears in the middle of this radiance, and I know this is the heart of the sun. But the hole is a dark unknown and through faith, I am comfortable with this.

I take a full breath as if I just came out of a deep, deep dive into the ocean.

I then begin my morning walk on the forest path. I see a radiant spider web on trees that shine, shimmer, and are luxurious.

A rare red dragonfly lands on a branch and seems to communicate with me; I keep the discourse secret.

There is an old bench, It's wood worn with wrinkled grains of age but comfortable. I sit for a while; everything is shining!

I remember last night the stars were shining like Australian Opals, different colors, sparkles. The fireflies were burning their lights, and crickets and frogs, singing their enchanting songs. Even in the darkest night, everything was shining!

I move down the path and think about the darkness of groaning, suffering, and fear on this earth we are experiencing now. And yet, All Things are shining with an inner light. The psalm Isaiah 9:2 comes to mind:

The people who walk in darkness
Will see a great light;
Those who live in a dark land,
The light will shine on them.

From the little shack: Keep on Shining!