“Finish It”
by Dr. Larry Morris
William Stafford once said, "I have woven a parachute out of everything broken." There is a time of processing and unfoldment and there is also a time of completion. When I was in graduate school, I almost made a career out of being a graduate student—for a while, I forgot that the point of graduate school is to graduate. We can get stuck in procrastination and spend long periods of time postponing coming into our own until we remember that we are not just here to travel, but to arrive at our destination. A man once found a receipt for a shoe repair order which had been lost for three years. He took the receipt to the shoe repair store and was told, the shoes will be ready next Tuesday. While it is good to initiate processes and to begin new things, it is also good to complete what we have started. Sometimes we feel a sense of exhaustion and inner depletion because we have unfinished business to attend to. When we arrive at completion, there is a profound sense of release and relief and all is right with us and our world.